Vote Geena for president?

A refreshing new US television series places a woman in the White House - are you watching, Mrs Clinton, asks Naomi Wolf

A refreshing new US television series places a woman in the White House - are you watching, Mrs Clinton, asks Naomi Wolf

Senator Hillary Clinton must have good friends in Hollywood, because the new woman-is-president drama, Commander-in-Chief, could not have come at a better time - or in a better form - to pave the way for her possible ascension to the Oval Office in 2008.

The creators of the new American show, destined to be a big hit - and not just with policy buffs or self-styled feminists - are almost demonically clever. Just about every decision they have made is juicily right: Geena Davis - beloved by kick-patriarchy's-ass fantasists since she blew up the truck of the male verbal harasser on the highway in Thelma and Louise 14 years ago - is beyond good. She plays an Independent-voting ex-congresswoman recruited by a Republican presidential candidate to be his photo-op running mate and help him with the women's vote. Upon his sudden death by a stroke, she morphs into a tough, prinicipled leader of the nation, against the wishes of his cabinet and staff.

What does Davis do so well? She hits the ideal note - with the exception of a too-low neckline, but there are ratings to consider. She sports navy suits and unmoving hair, her voice is low and commanding - neither shrill (see? they are all hysterical) nor a Thatcherite bass (see? a man in drag).


In a scene in which she outbluffs the scheming Speaker of the House, a Republican asking for her resignation, she is a steely but courteous poker player; when facing a hostile cabinet for the first time, asking for them either to resign or work together as a team, she is a shrewd politician and manager. This is, so refreshingly, the first television character (film hasn't got there yet) that reflects years of experience - by the directors and producers, possibly the actress herself - of observing high-powered, skilful women playing the game at the level where stakes are highest.

The domestic scenes just add to the pleasure: Davis's character is not a cold-hearted workaholic, but a loving, overscheduled mother like many of the rest of us. Her husband is supportive of her work, and we see on screen - what a rare spectacle! - the profound eros that can unfold when a husband and wife, both professionals, help each other with their work; the scenes in which Davis and her husband brainstorm a speech together will be recognised by many professional couples. Such profound emotional and sexual connection has not been seen since Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn.

There are other pivotal moments that women viewers will find rivetingly delicious. Davis's character is on the verge of capitulating to the cabinet's wishes and resigning when the Speaker blows his advantage. A Nigerian woman is about to be stoned to death for adultery - a situation Davis has had the temerity to address as a serious international issue, involving the French on a diplomatic, and possibly military, basis. The Speaker, played by a pleasingly nasty Donald Sutherland, spits that this is an absurd over-reaction from a "show" vice president, to enlist "for a woman who couldn't keep her legs together". Davis's face closes up and she puts her speech down, and asks for a Bible to take the oath of office. This is going to be truly addictive, political pornography.

Are there missteps and disappointments? Sure. Though the sets admirably echo the atmosphere of the Clinton-era White House and Naval Observatory, home of the vice president, some details are just wrong. Many are trivial: Sutherland mispronounces "sharia" law; subordinates directly confront their superiors, instead of obsequiously flattering them to their faces, then stabbing them in the back; and Davis's work scenes are much calmer and far less encumbered by security than they would really be.

Some are more serious: a core theme is that Republicans would resist a woman president. That idea is outdated: Bush showed that Republicans are now better at deploying women as conduits of power; Davis's political opponents would be much more worried about a moderate in power than a female. By the same token a key premise of the resistance to Davis's presidency is that the Islamic world is not ready for a woman leader of the US. This misreading is irksome, since it derives from US ignorance of Muslim culture and geopolitics.

Many Muslim countries have had more female leadership than the US has had. With nine female senators out of 100, the US ranks well below many other countries in terms of women's representation. Iraq, for example, had far more women in positions of power before the US invasion than it does today. One final real flaw is the old and unhelpful feminist-theory dichotomy about how men and women use power. Sutherland asks if Davis doesn't want "to take over the universe", power for power's sake; whereas Davis is supposed to want power only to serve others. These two different motives to gain power do exist, but they are not gendered.

Television and film, as the real Republicans know, is where political change takes place and political momentum solidified. That is why Bush has been the consummate photo-op president. (Let's not forget Glenn Close played "president" Harrison Ford's right-hand woman in Air Force One, four years before Condoleezza Rice was made secretary of state.) Finally we have a show that can acclimatise Americans to a woman in power before Hillary and her juggernaut, the Democratic National Congress - who are far less sure-footed about image-making on all its levels - have to change hearts and minds. For a party dogged with a Macbeth-like curse since the Clinton era, this seems like a karmic payload, and not a moment too soon.

Three months ago, the idea of a show about a woman president tipping the balance towards a Hillary candidacy would have seemed absurd, simply because the Democrats were in such a deep, comatose funk. But events post 9/11 have shifted our fears: just as male leaders seem in voters' minds to be more reassuring in times of war and terror attacks, so women leaders are seen in polls as having the edge with domestic crises, the social safety net, policies of sustainable long-range planning, and resistance to corruption.

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita reminded us that someone who is thinking comprehensively about getting babies and old people out of danger, rather than dropping bombs on Baghdad, might be a good leader to have on hand. The lone vigil of Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq, has reminded us of the human suffering behind the stirring pageant of men heading to war. And the deficit that left us unable to pay for boats and helicopters to save the hurricane victims, made the personal integrity that US voters associate with female leadership look pretty refreshing.

As a viewer, I send my most personal thanks to the creators of Commander-in-Chief. I can turn on CNN and see my real commander-in-chief strumming a guitar while New Orleans floods kill desperate people, and then handing multi-billion contracts to his pals at Halliburton. Or I can watch Geena Davis kick the shit out of those who would stand in the way of truth and justice. What would you want to watch?