Raids and Rumours

Paris, Wednesday.

Paris, Wednesday.

Paris is under military law. Nearly all the cosmopolitans and nightlifers who gave Paris the name of the gayest city in Europe, have packed up their bags and left for Bordeaux. Enemy aeroplanes send the alarm-sirens hooting terrifyingly at scores of points in the city. Yet Paris is gay - but in a new way. Parisians are responding to imminent danger in the spirited and courageous way the light-hearted Madrilenas faced daily bombardment for nearly two years.

On Saturday afternoon when four German bombers were downed during a three quarter hour air raid warning, the people of Paris had come out on to the boulevards to sun themselves. As the sirens shrieked they filed joking and somewhat embarrassed to be seen taking cover into the cellar shelters of the houses near by. There was no panic, although everyone must have said to himself, "Well, this is probably the first serious German attempt to wipe out the city."

Actually it was not. Only sixteen bombers came over, and seemed to be aiming at military objectives. The great trial of the people of Paris was again deferred.


Later that night, right up to eleven o'clock, when the cafes, theatres and cinemas now close, the city streets were alive with crowds of people. There were many family parties. People seemed to be drawn to one another by the prospect of danger. Never was there such a camaraderie among them. It was a new atmosphere, even for "Gay Paris."

The Irish Times, May 30th, 1940.