Portillo ahead in Tory leadership vote

Mr Michael Portillo has won the first round of the British Tory leadership contest among MPs - but a re-ballot has been ordered…

Mr Michael Portillo has won the first round of the British Tory leadership contest among MPs - but a re-ballot has been ordered after two candidates tied for last place.

The new ballot will be conducted on Thursday, Sir Michael Spicer, Chairman of the 1922 Committee of Tory backbenchers has announced.

The contest was thrown into chaos after ex-party chairman Mr Michael Ancram and Mr David Davis tied for last place.

Under existing rules the bottom placed candidate would be eliminated from the next stage of voting.


Sir Michael said he was calling a re-ballot in the light of the tie to take place on Thursday, when, if there was still a draw, both the bottom-placed candidates would be eliminated.

The full result was: Mr Michael Ancram 21; Mr Kenneth Clarke 36; Mr David Davis 21; Mr Iain Duncan Smith 39; Mr Michael Portillo 49.

All 166 Conservative MPs voted.

Another ballot is scheduled for next Tuesday, when MPs will make the final selection of two candidates whose names will be put to a ballot of all 300,000 party members, with the winner by a straight majority being announced on September 12.