Bonnefoy, born in 1923 and now one of France's senior and most respected poets, will be familiar to those Irish readers who remember his visits to the Yeats Summer School in Sligo (he has, in fact, translated Yeats into French), and Derek Mahon has published a selection of his translations of, Bonnefoy (Penguin). The present selection is in fact winnowed from eight volumes of verse, the last published in 1993. Bonnefoy is said to be a slow, perfectionist worker and his poetry is correspondingly" spare, imagistic and highly concentrated, without being hermetic in away. The volume comes with a" recommendation from the Poetry Book Society, and we are surely dealing here with a poet of European stature. A younger, and stylistically very contrasting poet, Paul Durcan, appears in two slim but elegant paperbacks from Harvill Press. The Berlin Wall Cafe and O Westport in the Light of Asia Minor (£6.99 each in UK).