The number of people claiming unemployment benefit as measured by the Live Register rose by 506 in August, but the figure fell by 900 to 178,500 when seasonal factors are taken into account.
The monthly Live Register figures published by the Central Statistics Office are not intended as an accurate measure of unemployment but do give an early indication of labour market trends.
In the year to August 2003 there was an increase of 12,390 (+7.1 per cent) on the Live Register compared to an annual increase of 13,349 (+7.8 per cent) recorded in the year to July 2003.
The standardised unemployment rate in August was 4.5 per cent. This compares with 4.4 per cent in April 2003, based on the Quarterly National Household Survey, which is widely regarded as the more reliable gauge of unemployment.
The Live Register can be skewed in the summer months as a number of casual workers taken on in hotels and bars can also claim some form of unemployment benefit.
In August the estimated number of casual and part-time workers on the Live Register was 8,377 males and 12,552 females.