The loyalist paramilitary organisation the UDA said yesterday that its six-month ceasefire was still intact, but it warned that the ceasefire could be undermined if the British government failed to "respond to attacks" from the "Real IRA" and Continuity IRA.
In a statement released through the Ulster Political Research Group's (UPRG) offices in Derry, the UDA said that its 6,000 members were disillusioned by the British government's refusal to recognise its ceasefire and they also accused elements within the PSNI of trying to "demonise and destabilise" the UDA.
The co-ordinator of the UPRG, Mr David Nicholl, who read out the statement to reporters, said the statement had the full authority of the UDA's entire membership. Mr Nicholl said the statement was a result of a six-month review of the UDA ceasefire.
"It is my belief that given today's statement from the Ulster Defence Association, that they are happy to continue with the present Gregg Initiative and maintain the ceasefire.
"There are, however, serious concerns within the UDA with regards to ongoing dissident activity, particularly in the north-west where there are two unresolved murders of two innocent Protestants who have been killed by those groups recently. It is for the British government to respond to the security situation and the UDA wants the government to respond to any deteriorating security situation," said Mr Nicholl. He said the UPRG had also made contacts with the Irish Government.