The information day organised by Age Action Ireland will be held on Sunday next, not Saturday as stated yesterday, at the RDS, Dublin, between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Admission is free.
A report on the proceedings in the Seanad yesterday said that Mr Joe Doyle had named two Irish Times journalists, Frank McDonald and Mark Brennock, in connection with a 1993 series of articles on land rezoning in Co Dublin and said that he hoped they would co-operate with the proposed planning tribunal. Mr Doyle has asked us to point out that he did not name the two journalists, other than to refer to the authors of the series, as it was not his practice to name individuals who were outside the House.
Where errors occur it is the policy of The Irish Times to correct or clarify as soon as practicable.
Readers may contact the Readers' Representative's Office by telephoning 01-679-2022 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. Outside these times they may contact the Duty Editor.