Clinton announces more cabinet changes

PRESIDENT Clinton has announced his cabinet's economic team for his second term and the successor to Ms Madeleine Albright as…

PRESIDENT Clinton has announced his cabinet's economic team for his second term and the successor to Ms Madeleine Albright as ambassador to the United Nations.

He is Mr Bill Richardson, a New Mexico Congressman of partial Hispanic parentage who has become famous for his rescue missions to free Americans imprisoned or held hostage abroad.

His latest exploit was to secure the release of three International Red Cross workers from Sudanese rebels last Sunday.

A newcomer to the economic team is Mr William Daley, a son of the former mayor of Chicago and a brother of the present mayor. Mr Daley will take over the Commerce portfolio vacated by Mr Mickey Kantor.


Mr Daley, who is a lawyer specialising in international trade, caused a sensation at the crowded press conference when he fainted and fell from the platform after his speech welcoming his appointment. He later returned to the platform where he was greeted by a relieved Mr Clinton.

The President said in reply to a question that the First Lady, Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton, has been asked by the State Department to undertake further missions abroad to promote the interests of women and disadvantaged children.

The President said that among the present cabinet members who would be staying on were: the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr Robert Rubin; the Attorney General, Ms Janet Reno; the Agriculture Secretary, Mr Daniel Glickman; and the Health and Human Services Secretary, Ms Donna Shalala.

The fate old Ms Reno was uncertain since Mr Clinton's re-election and as White House aides indicated that there was unhappiness that she was "not a team player". She has been criticised by Clinton supporters for appointing a special prosecutor to investigate aspects of the Whitewater affair.

The President confirmed that his senior legal adviser, Mr Jack Quinn, has also decided to resign because of family commitments.

The post of US Trade Representative will be filled by Ms Charlene Barshevsky, who has been occupying it on an interim basis. Also staying on are the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Ms Carol Browner, and the director of the Office of Management and the Budget, Mr Franklin Raines.