Child porn case is set for District Court

A judge in Dublin District Court has decided that a case against a college lecturer charged with possession of child pornography…

A judge in Dublin District Court has decided that a case against a college lecturer charged with possession of child pornography can be heard in the district court.

Mr Donal Storey (48), Marino Green, Dublin, is charged with possessing 12 images on his home computer on May 27th last year.

In Dublin District Court last week Judge Miriam Malone adjourned a decision on whether to accept jurisdiction to allow gardaí to furnish all of the images.

She had been provided with nine print-outs but said she would need to see them all before determining whether the case was too serious for the district court.


Yesterday, after viewing the three outstanding images, she was satisfied to accept jurisdiction.

Counsel for Mr Storey, a lecturer with the Dublin Institute of Technology, asked that the case be further adjourned to allow the defence to consider a number of professional reports and for time to be set aside to allow the experts involved to address the court.

Judge Malone reserved March 7th for the hearing and remanded Mr Storey on continuing bail.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times