Balloton strikemandate at Aer Lingus

The union Siptu has started balloting its 1,800 members at Aer Lingus on possible industrial action

The union Siptu has started balloting its 1,800 members at Aer Lingus on possible industrial action. Siptu branch organiser Teresa Hannick said yesterday that the ballot would allow for industrial action, up to and including strike action, if the company moved unilaterally to implement a cost-cutting programme.

Aer Lingus has warned that it will implement a new flexibility and mobility plan from next Monday if there is not a firm agreement reached with Siptu by this weekend.

Late last month a deal between the airline and the union seemed on the cards following a lengthy process established by the National Implementation Body and led by the Labour Relations Commission.

A draft agreement on flexibility and mobility, which was drawn up as an alternative to cost-saving proposals put forward last year by the airline, seemed to take account of Siptu's concerns about potential cuts.


The draft deal centred on a new working week of 35 hours and 50 minutes (exclusive of breaks) and was aimed at generating savings of €10 million.

The balance of €20 million in savings would be generated from deals with other unions. However, a hitch emerged about the interpretation of the agreement.

Last week the company told the union that the need to realise the cost savings was becoming more pressing each day, and that if agreement was not reached it would begin implementing the flexibility and mobility agenda from next Monday.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.