Baghdad's self-proclaimed mayor toured hospitals and water facilities today and met aides he has appointed to run the city despite Washington not recognising his authority.
Mr Mohammed Mohsen Zubaidi declared himself mayor of thecapital earlier this month. He has appointed 22 committees to function in place of ministries, including in the areas of health, education, water, electricity, oil and industry.
However, US officials working with Mr Jay Garner, the retiredgeneral who Washington has appointed chief administrator ofIraq, say they do not recognise Mr Zubaidi's authority.
Mr Garner hosted a meeting in Baghdad today between hisreconstruction team and about 60 academics and community leaders to discuss the rebuilding of the capital. Mr Zubaidi was not invited.
Mr Zubaidi has said he was elected by people representingclerics, academics, Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims, Christians,writers and journalists.
But neither he nor US officials have explained how or whena vote took place, or who organised it.