Walking to school

Madam, - During last week's National Walk to School Week, as on every other day, Dublin children and their parents or carers …

Madam, - During last week's National Walk to School Week, as on every other day, Dublin children and their parents or carers negotiated mounds of dog dirt every few paces and risked life and limb as traffic ignored pedestrian lights.

If there is a real will to keep school traffic off the roads, two initiatives could make a huge difference to the quality of the walking experience: posting gardaí at appropriate pedestrian crossings between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. (in my experience the junction of Rathgar Road and Frankfort Avenue is notoriously bad); and enforcing the law against the owners of dogs which foul pavements.

The revenue could be used to fund extra bins in which law-abiding pet-owners could dispose of their waste. - Yours, etc.,



Leinster Road,

Dublin 6.