Michael Winner

Sir, - There is more misquotation and inaccuracy in the article by Eileen Battersby than in any piece that has been written about…

Sir, - There is more misquotation and inaccuracy in the article by Eileen Battersby than in any piece that has been written about me in the 43 years journalists have interviewed me.

May I correct one item, not about me, but about my late friend Orson Welles. The story, which was totally misquoted, was this:

I said to Orson: "You've made Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons. . .you've made the finest films in the history of the world. What else is there for you to do?" To which Orson replied: "Before I die, I'd like to make one film that makes a profit." Sadly he never did. - Yours, etc.,

Michael Winner, Scimitar Films, Sackville Street, London W1.


Eileen Battersby writes: Given Mr Winner's sweeping claim of misrepresentation, it is odd that he should choose to cite a well-known story about Orson Welles, which I did not quote.