Sir, - On a recent return visit to Dundrum in south Co Dublin I was amazed to see the level of construction and development in the area. Judging by the amount of traffic on the roads, this development is necessary for the preservation of the town of Dundrum, but at what cost!

I was disappointed to see that a good friend of mine, Mr Joe Daly, known locally for his involvement with cycling and many other community projects, has recently had to make way for this development. Last September, after 50 years in the bicycle business in Dundrum, Joe Daly was forced to move to a smaller, temporary premises. Before his move he was promised by the local authorities that every effort would be made to relocate and build a new premises. But as yet these promises seem to have been forgotten.

Joe Daly, his business, his community spirit and his friendship are part of what Dundrum is and should not be pushed to one side for the sake of progress. Countless thousands of children have experienced such joy and adventure gripping their first handlebars and ringing those bells on bicycles prepared by Joe Daly. It's now time for all those cyclists to lobby their local representatives and ask them to fulfill their promises to Joe.

From my early cycling adventures on one of Joe Daly's bikes, cycling has been an important part of my life and it has taken me to the four corners of the world, a world of which I became champion in 1987. But I will never forget those happy days of cycling with my friends in Orwell Wheelers and meeting outside Joe Daly's shop in Dundrum.


I hope in the not so distant future to bring my own family back to repeat my happy experiences in Dundrum, but most importantly starting from Joe Daly's doorstep. - Yours, etc.,


World Cycling Champion,

Chemin Des Maures,

