Crisis In The Middle East

Sir, - In making an analogy between Zionism and Irish nationalism, with a view to counselling "passionate ambivalence" in the…

Sir, - In making an analogy between Zionism and Irish nationalism, with a view to counselling "passionate ambivalence" in the UN Security Council (October 16th), William Hunt overlooks one simple fact: there are no UN resolutions condemning the British occupation of Northern Ireland as illegal, demanding immediate British withdrawal, and espousing the right of return of all refugees. While it is a poor consolation to the Palestinians, they have international law on their side - a fact conveniently forgotten by Israeli spokespersons and their strident fellow-travellers.

In fact Mr Hunt needn't worry. I'm sure that Ireland will use its seat in the Security Council to cozy up to the US, which bankrolls Celtic Tiger and Israeli jackboot alike. "Passionate greed" is surely the more relevant phrase. - Yours, etc.,

Raymond Deane, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.