Seriously-ill woman dies in Sligo house fire

A 58-year-old woman battling a serious illness for some time died yesterday in a house fire.

A 58-year-old woman battling a serious illness for some time died yesterday in a house fire.

The woman, named locally as Margaret Coen, died in the 3.30am blaze at her rented home on River Road, Cartron Point, Sligo.

She is believed to have been in a downstairs room when the fire started. Gardaí said early indications were that the blaze may have been started by a smouldering cigarette on a couch.

Only one room was destroyed after Sligo Fire Brigade, responding speedily to an early alert, managed to contain the blaze.


The victim, who was not originally from the area, had been living in Sligo in recent years with her partner. She is believed to have been suffering from cancer.

Sligo Sinn Féin councillor Arthur Gibbons said: "It is tragic. I was expecting good news at any time for them about a house because they were well up the list. She was a lovely, quiet woman who was battling with a serious illness."