Parties expect to finish coalition talks today

Talks between Fianna Fáil and Progressive Democrats (PDs) over a new coalition government are likely to end today.

Talks between Fianna Fáil and Progressive Democrats (PDs) over a new coalition government are likely to end today.

The Taoiseach Mr Bertie Ahern is expected to spend the weekend finalising his Cabinet line-up and allocating junior ministries. He indicated yesterday there may be major changes.

"We are now looking to a new mandate from the people . . . it has to be a government that moves on, not only to be the government for now, but to be the government for the next five years in this country," Mr Ahern said yesterday.

"There are people who would expect to be appointed and they will not. The people who believe their time has come and it can't for everybody . . . in the end of the day, I have to think what is right for the country".


It is understood the parties’ negotiation teams, who met until late last night, will spend today fine-tuning their joint document to be presented to Mr Ahern and the outgoing Tánaiste, Ms Mary Harney. This will probably not be published until some time next week.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times