O'Donnell denies she may join Fine Gael

Ms Liz O'Donnell, the Progressive Democrats Minister of State, has emphatically denied reports that she is considering joining…

Ms Liz O'Donnell, the Progressive Democrats Minister of State, has emphatically denied reports that she is considering joining Fine Gael.

Ms O'Donnell described as "total fabrication" yesterday the speculation that she was considering such a change.

"I have found my perfect home in the Progressive Democrats and have no intention of leaving," she said yesterday.

Her comments were prompted by an article in the Irish-language magazine, Foinse, and a claim yesterday on TV3 by the Fine Gael deputy leader, Mrs Nora Owen, that Ms O'Donnell may be thinking of "jumping ship".


Meanwhile there is renewed hope within the Progressive Democrats that the Attorney General, Mr Michael McDowell, will rejoin the party in the coming months, taking on a role in policy development. The party is keen for him to run for the Dail in Dublin South East, where he held a seat before.

Mr McDowell declined to comment yesterday, but he is known to have had discussions on the matter with the Tanaiste and PD leader, Ms Harney. The party hopes to use its national conference next November effectively to relaunch itself, and would like to have Mr McDowell on board by then.

A close contest is expected next Thursday in the Dun Laoghaire constituency, where the party will decide which of two councillors, Mr Victor Boyhan or Ms Fiona O'Malley, will be its Dail candidate.

The selection convention, to be chaired by Ms O'Donnell, follows the defection of Senator Helen Keogh to Fine Gael. Mr Boyhan is a founder member of the party and was elected to Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Council in last year's local elections. Ms O'Malley is a daughter of the party founder, Mr Desmond O'Malley, and is moving into the constituency from neighbouring Dublin South.