Minister defends citizenship referendum

Immigration debate: Defending the Government's proposal to amend the Republic's citizenship laws, Mr McDowell said foreign workers…

Immigration debate: Defending the Government's proposal to amend the Republic's citizenship laws, Mr McDowell said foreign workers are welcome in the Republic, and necessary for its growth.

Rejecting charges that the referendum will open up racial divisions, he said that the Republic's "under-developed immigration law" must be updated.

"One sure way that Ireland would risk racial and ethnic discord would be a public perception that our generous and open system was being exploited by people who were not willing to abide by our laws and rules.

"That is why I make no apology to anyone for making our immigration and asylum seeking laws both workable and effective." The existing rules that grant citizenship on birth "no matter how tenuous or fleeting the parents' connection with Ireland" is simply not sustainable, especially given the EU's freedom of movement.