Kenny speaks of 'warm' character

Fine Gael: The Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny said he wanted to pay his respects to "Charles Haughey the man: father, husband, …

Fine Gael: The Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny said he wanted to pay his respects to "Charles Haughey the man: father, husband, grandfather, parliamentary colleague".

He said there would be other days on which to reflect on Mr Haughey's political career.

"Obviously, Mr Haughey the politician will dominate news and commentary over the coming days, with public debate of numerous aspects of his political career becoming his lot, perhaps, in perpetuity.

"In life, I believe Mr Haughey bore his humiliations with dignity and, no doubt, personal pain."


He said he had learned of Mr Haughey's death with much personal regret. "I have known Charles Haughey throughout my political career and found him to be personally warm, engaging, thoughtful and courteous.

"Personally and on behalf of Fine Gael, I extend deep sympathy to Maureen, their children and to Mr Haughey's wider family and friends. On this day, especially, I'm sure there are many people in Ireland who hope, as I do, that for all of us there will be kindness at the end."