Harney announces Macroom task force

Ms Mary Harney

A task force has been set up to help the town of Macroom, which was last week shocked by the news that nearly 700 jobs were to go at the local General Semiconductor plant.

The group was formed by the Tánaiste, Ms Harney, in order to try to find an alternative industry for the Co Cork town.

Ms Harney said the group would seek investment from both overseas and Ireland, and also provide information and assistance to any former plant workers who wished to establish their own businesses.

The availability of a modern facility and a highly qualified and motivated workforce will all greatly add to the potential of attracting future investors to this region
Tanaiste Mary Harney

They will also establish training opportunities for the redundant staff.


The Tánaiste said she was confident alternative investment could be secured for the region.

"The availability of a modern facility and a highly qualified and motivated workforce will all greatly add to the potential of attracting future investors to this region," she said.

The task force is made up of local government, business, enterprise and worker representatives, including the chairman, Mr Maurice Moloney, the Cork County manager, Mr Paddy Gallagher of the IDA and Mr Pat O’Callaghan of FÁS.

General Semiconductor made the announcement that 670 jobs would go at the factory last Friday. The US-owned company was one of the largest employers in Munster, and the largest in Macroom since its arrival in 1982.

It is estimated the closure could cost the local economy £30 million a year.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times