Cultural quarter plan for Parnell Square

City council plans new cultural quarter on north side

The library will move to the Coláiste Mhuire buildings on the north side of the Georgian square, above. Photograph: Dara Mac Donaill

The centrepiece of a plan to redevelop Parnell Square in Dublin as the capital’s latest cultural quarter will involve the relocation of the Central Library from the Ilac shopping centre.

The library will move to the Coláiste Mhuire buildings on the north side of the Georgian square at the top of O’Connell Street from its present location in the upper level of the commercial facility which has entrances on Parnell Street, Henry Street and Moore Street.

The plan to revamp the northside area will be launched by Dublin City Council this morning. The Coláiste Mhuire building is located close to the Hugh Lane Gallery and the Dublin Writers’ Museum.

A former Christian Brothers school, it occupies almost half of Parnell Square North and has been empty for several years. Developing a cultural quarter in Parnell Square has long been an objective of the Council and is included in its development plan.


'Dynamic catalyst'
Philanthropic funding has been sought for the development of the new quarter which the council hopes will "serve as a dynamic catalyst for social and economic development in the city".

The location was identified as an ideal spot for a new city library last year by Graham Hickey, conservation research officer with the Dublin Civic Trust, who said the buildings were “in fairly good nick” following repairs to the roof.

"With the Hugh Lane Gallery and the writers' museum just next door, a city library would consolidate cultural uses on the square. This is central to the whole success of Upper O'Connell Street which requires the cultural draw of Parnell Square," Mr Hickey told The Irish Times last November.

There have been calls for the library to be located in the old houses of parliament building on College Green in the city centre, which is currently home to the Bank of Ireland.

This option is not mentioned in the report being published this morning, however.

'Cultural cluster'
Dublin City Council's development plan says that a "cultural cluster" is emerging around Parnell Square. It also notes that institutions such as the Dublin Writers' Museum, Dublin City Gallery, The Hugh Lane and The Irish Writers' Centre "are serving to culturally underpin the rejuvenated O'Connell Street with an exciting cultural quarter around Parnell Square."

The plan stresses the “special architectural quality” of the square, which is described as part of the capital’s “grand civic spine”. The civic spine is a route through the city centre along which the city’s primary civic, cultural and historic attractions are located.

The route is from Parnell Square, through O’Connell Street, College Green to Christchurch Place with a southern extension from College Green to Grafton Street and St Stephen’s Green and an eastern extension from College Green to Merrion Square.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times