Councillors asked to suspend plan

Fingal County Council has been urged to suspend the adoption of its development plan until after the local government elections…

Fingal County Council has been urged to suspend the adoption of its development plan until after the local government elections in June.

The Fingal Alliance of Community Councils has written to all councillors asking them not to bind the incoming council to development decisions until a "forest of submissions" on the draft plan has been considered.

The letter also draws attention to what it claims are "critical representations" made to the council by the Dublin Transportation Office, the Irish House Builders' Association, the Irish Farmers' Association and the GAA.

"The councillors received 11 volumes of representations, three volumes recording the points made during oral hearings and at least five reports commissioned by Government or local authority groupings," said Ms Irene Martin, chairwoman of the alliance and a member of the council's Planning Strategic Policy Committee.


"It is physically impossible for the councillors to properly evaluate all this material between now and the local elections. There is a perception that Fingal County Council is trying to prevent the new council, which will be elected on June 11th, from having a say on the Development Plan which will shape the development of Fingal during the first decade of the new millennium."