Blog On Here

Valentine’s Day : It really depends, doesn’t it? I think it’s always worth going out, having a nice meal, having a nice time…

Valentine's Day: It really depends, doesn't it? I think it's always worth going out, having a nice meal, having a nice time, but the rip-offs are ridiculous. Do it the night before! Anyway, on the night I'll be on movie four of the day as part of the Jameson Film Festival – hopefully it won't be full of smooching couples! – Rosemary

I for one would much prefer a meal cooked for me at home than some awful evening in stuffy restaurant full of bored couples! – Jean

How to respond to bad service

The consumer is the key. If you do not agree with the bossiness, do not buy and tell the manager or someone higher why. If the consumer speaks out, the business will hear you and will change if they want the sale. – Patrick Henry