Ahern urges international cooperation against terrorism

The Taoiseach has said that the international community must work together to produce a measured response to the terrorist attacks…

The Taoiseach has said that the international community must work together to produce a measured response to the terrorist attacks on the US.

Mr Bertie Ahern, in an interview on RTÉ's This Weekprogramme, said he accepted the right of the US under the UN Charter to mount a military response as self defence, but warned against the further loss of innocent lives.

Mr Bertie Ahern

"This was an international attack against all the free people of the world, against people who believe in human rights and liberty.

"I think the more the international connection can be maintained on this, the better the response will be. We all have a role to play.


"But I think the concern of people will be that a whole lot of countries are not drawn into this, the focus is clearly on Afghanistan," he said.

Mr Ahern said the people of Afghanistan were particularly vulnerable, with up to a third of the population facing famine.

"It is an easy thing to bomb territories where people are in famine, but that will not to much to crush international terrorism.''

Mr Ahern, when asked if their would be any Irish military involvement said he did "not think that would arise". He said any military response was being undertaken under the aegis of NATO, of which Ireland is not a member.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times