A calming Norwegian book is hot, a Scottish hijacking of Hygge is not

Inventive winter concoctions are in; oversized wine glasses are out

We’re all about indulgent festive drinks. Photograph: iStock


St Vincent de Paul's campaign for you to donate €5, take a photo with five friends, and nominate them to donate, too.

Wheel Up
The new EP from local heroes Mango and Mathman.

Salma Hayek
Courageously revealing the details of her own traumatic experiences with Harvey Weinstein.

Silence: In the Age of Noise
An extraordinarily calming book by Norwegian explorer Erling Kagge is just the tonic when things get to hectic.


Winter warmers
We're all about indulgent festive drinks; check out Jo'Burger's hot buttered rum with apple juice and Christmas spices.

Polaroid One Step 2
A brilliant reinvention of a classic camera.

The most-searched men's accessory of 2017, according to fashion search platform Lyst.


Festive lurgy
From flu to vomiting bugs, chest infections to colds. Not fun.

Blockbuster films in December
Where are you meant to find the time to watch the new Star Wars?

Netflix "fun" stats
When Netflix details how many people have watched what and how often, it doesn't feel like a fun stat, but more like they're watching us

New Year's Eve plans
Stop asking. We just want to sit on the couch surrounded by After Eights.

The "just one glass" delusion
Wine glasses have got seven times larger over the last 300 years. Oops.

VisitScotland's attempt to piggy back on Hygge as a concept isn't going to plan, with native Gaelic speakers claiming it evokes dampness rather than cosiness.

Leaving it to the last minute
You did it again, didn't you?