Be Your Best: ‘A few modules had to be done at 36,000 feet’

‘I’m impressed with what I have experienced so far’

Arthur Cummings: “Well worth the effort and time thus far.”

Arthur Cummings 

Laser eye surgeon

I already knew that I lead a busy life. What I didn’t realise is how hard it would be to find the required 1 hour per week in order to stay on track with Potentialife. Thanks to a very clever structure and planning of the program and weekly email prompting from Matthew at Potentialife, I’m on track again, even though a few modules had to be done at 36,000 feet thanks to Aer Lingus’s Wi-Fi enabled aircraft.

I’m impressed with what I have experienced so far. As anticipated, the program is based on peer-reviewed science. The lay-out is very clear and concise and Tal and Angus guide one through the program very smoothly and expertly via videos.

The way that the module is laid out with a recap of the previous module and then a logical path through the next lesson from introduction to how to incorporate it into your week is very intuitive and conducive to actually taking the message on board. The way that the program dovetails with the Lifestyle App that was completed in week 1 is very ingenious.

The course is certainly tailored to the individual and each will get out of it what they want despite the overall layout looking common to all. At this halfway stage of Cycle 1 (there are three cycles) I am looking forward to Friday each week when the next module is delivered with an email prompt directing you to the Potentialife website to access the next module.


There is frequent use of external sources too (video, other websites, online tests etc) and I think I am going to find myself going over some of these exercises again in the future when there is less pressure on my time.

All those difficult items (for example defining your strengths) are made very much simpler by directing the traveller on this self-discovery journey to an online questionnaire that does the task for you very quickly and effectively. Given that mine were honesty, perspective, love, creativity and appreciation in that order, you can be quietly assured that this overview is not far from the truth at all. Well worth the effort and time thus far.

The Be Your Best programme sponsored by The Irish Times is being delivered by Potentialife, a nine-month leadership development programme that incorporates the latest in technology and behavioural science. See more at