Waterford Wedgwood investors get star treatment at hi-tech annual meeting

Shareholders in Waterford Wedgwood tapped their feet politely yesterday as the company put on a high-tech annual meeting in Dublin…

Shareholders in Waterford Wedgwood tapped their feet politely yesterday as the company put on a high-tech annual meeting in Dublin, complete with giant screens, websites, fashion designers and the latest European dance music.

At various stages of the meeting the assembled shareholders could have been forgiven for thinking they were in a nightclub as lights dipped, the volume was turned up and a procession of attractive young women passed by, albeit on video.

A cast of characters was employed to endorse the Waterford Wedgwood brands, including the SDLP leader, Mr John Hume, designers John Rocha, Paul Costelloe, Donatella Versace and the Duchess of York, Ms Sarah Ferguson.

However, none of these personalities was allowed to distract attention from the main attraction - chairman Dr Tony O'Reilly, who was literally larger than life as his image was relayed on a giant screen to the right of the stage.


Whether it was the promise of free crystal or the chance to mix with the great and good of the Waterford Wedgwood board, there were several hundred shareholders present - and not enough seats for all of them.

While some of the more elderly shareholders at the front of the stage seemed a little unimpressed with the sounds of Fatboy Slim, there was generous praise for the company's new website which went live at the a.g.m.

Before the website was put through its paces, however, shareholders had the the chance to watch a video presentation of the main public events involving the company during 1998-99.

This included Mr Hume singing Danny Boy at the Waterford Crystal plant, and then unsuccessfully trying to blow some glass.

Shareholders were also told by Ms Ferguson that when a Wedgwood plate was added to a table it added "a little something special".

Dr O'Reilly said he had known Ms Ferguson for two years and if she could do for Waterford Wedgwood what she did for the Heinz Weightwatchers campaign the company would be well rewarded.

Then footage was played of the huge charity dinner staged by the company in February in Frankfurt as part of the International Consumer Goods Fair.

This included pictures of models walking down the catwalk, as various dignitaries, including the German chancellor Mr Gerard Schroder, looked on.

After the video ended the lights were turned up and the music was faded out.

Shareholders warmly greeted the news that next year's a.g.m. would be held in Waterford.