The Eighth Amendment

Sir, – I commend The Irish Times for its provision of an "Abortion: The Facts" section on your website.

You provide information on the situation in England, Scotland and Wales and in 29 other countries.

But why have you omitted any information in relation to the situation in Northern Ireland? Surely this is relevant information. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – In 1992, we the people voted in favour of Irish abortions, provided one could fund, beg, borrow or steal the fare to Britain and the cost of the procedure.

Let there be no delusion. The right to travel was not inserted to facilitate going to Cheltenham or a West End show.

A generation later, is it not time to remove hypocrisy from our Constitution? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.

A chara, – The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has decided to clarify that when it comes to referendums there is no onus on radio and television stations to divide time equally between both sides of a debate ("Broadcasters have 'no obligation' to give equal air time in referendum debate", March 13th).

It was very good of it to make this clear for the first time in advance of a referendum on abortion.

It will give those working in the broadcast media a lot more freedom when it comes to joining with their brothers and sisters in the print media in their attempts to influence public opinion and bring about the repeal of the Eighth Amendment. – Is mise,



Co Kilkenny.

Sir, – Prof William Binchy's article (Opinion & Analysis, March 14th) on the Supreme Court's judgment makes it crystal clear that if the Eighth Amendment is removed from the Constitution, unborn babies would have no rights at all.

A compelling reason to vote No in the upcoming referendum! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.