More poet laureates please

A chara, – I enjoyed your excellent and inspiring editorial (October 23rd) about the renewal of public interest in poetry, as a place in which to find our bearings and reset our perspectives. In his poem "Begin" my friend, the late Brendan Kennelly's advice is "to look at things anew".

Poetry is certainly the most acknowledging of art forms we turn to on occasions of personal trauma or loss, moments of love, and for commemorations, the most appropriate appropriate language for these complex occasions.

I also like poet Derek Mahon’s advice in a difficult situation in life, “Everything is going to be all right”.

I hope that Poetry Ireland’s suggestion that local authorities should adopt poet laureates in their areas will be adopted to stimulate greater appreciation of the beauty of our lovely island home. – Is mise,



An Charraig Dhubh,

Co Átha Cliath.