Garda statistics and tackling crime

Sir, – The recent revelations regarding Garda inputting on Pulse come as no surprise to those of us of the force, either serving or retired.

The problems with regard to inputting goes back to when Pulse was first introduced, as the difficulties and problems underlying that system were obvious even to those of us who were not IT-savvy.

We must remember when crimes are categorised or recategorised, this does not mean that is the final outcome, or that it is the correct one.

The final outcome comes when someone is arrested and processed, a file is completed and a decision is made by the DPP as to what charge should be laid.


Then it is up to the courts to decide, based on the evidence presented, whether that charge is sufficient or not.

That charge may be reduced from murder to manslaughter, reckless endangerment to actual bodily harm.

So all of this time being wasted on whether a crime is categorised correctly or not, on a computer, has no relevance other than for the purpose of statistics.

What is relevant is that the crime or offence is properly investigated and whether there is sufficient evidence to lay a charge against a defendant and what the final outcome in court is. – Is mise,


(Retired Garda Sgt),


Co Donegal.