Following Nphet’s advice

Sir, – It seems to me that our Government has tired of the advice handed out by the National Public Health Emergency Team as it doesn’t suit their economic goals. As of today 5,483 cases have been announced, just how many does it take at this point to tip the scales?

The numbers are escalating at an enormous rate and being reactive has cost us dearly in the past. At this stage ignoring advice and being both late and reactive? Who knows what might happen? – Yours, etc,


Lucan, Co Dublin.


Sir, – In May, Prof Philip Nolan likened antigen tests [then newly for sale in a supermarket] to “snake oil”. This was of a piece with Nphet’s controversial dismissal of the health measure. Recent reports in The Irish Times on Nphet’s newfound recommended use of antigen testing, makes no mention of the stark volte-face. I believe this does an already-confused public a disservice. – Yours, etc,


Knocklyon, Dublin 16.

Sir, – Can I ask that Nphet consider introducing Covid cert checks for intercity rail travel. I travelled to Sligo on Friday 12th. Three hours in a carriage with windows that don’t open, automatic doors that only open when triggered so can’t be held open to allow ventilation. Oh, and don’t forget the hen party that sang us all the way to Carrick-on-Shannon. Not great adherence to face-mask wearing!

If we have to show Covid certs for a short flight to London why not a three-hour train journey? –Yours, etc,


Harold’s Cross,

Dublin 6W.

Sir, – Given the advice by Nphet to avoid social gatherings, I am confused as to why many organisations are sending out invitations to social events at this time instead of listening to the advice and postponing until the current situation has abated and people have received their booster vaccinations. – Yours, etc,

