Department of Disabilities is needed

Sir, – Ruary Martin (Letters, March 24th) suggests that a senior disability minister is needed to ensure a "more robust approach with both the Department of Health and HSE senior management". This will not be enough. A separate Department of Disabilities is needed, with responsibility for all disability-related legislation, policy and policy implementation.

At present responsibility for various disability laws, policies and services is spread across a raft of government departments and State agencies, including the Department of Children, Equality, Integration, Disability and Youth, the National Disability Authority, the Department of Health, the Health Service Executive, the Health Information and Quality Authority. This list in itself highlights the level of fragmentation and divergent approaches that make it so difficult for people with disabilities in Ireland to access the supports that would enable them to achieve ordinary life outcomes.

Politicians are aware of this mess and the impact it is having. In the 2020 general election, several political parties pledged to concentrate responsibility for all disability policy and programmes in the Department of the Taoiseach and to establish an Oireachtas Committee on Disability Equality. In New Zealand the government is going further. On July 1st of this year, it plans to establish a standalone Ministry for Disabled People. This ministry will pull together disability from various ministries (health, education, transport and social development) and join up all the supports and services available to disabled people. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.