‘The court of public opinion’

Sir, – Sean Moncrieff is spot on when he talks about cancel culture ("The court of public opinion should remember that we are all less than perfect", Magazine, March 19th).

To the decision of the court of public opinion, there is no appeal.

In the case of the so-called “comment” sections after most articles in newspapers, I can only extend my respect to journalists who place themselves at risk of the typical vituperation that so often gets directed at them. It is obvious that often these “comment” columns are echo-chambers, but I sometimes wonder why newspapers demean themselves by publishing so much bigoted, spiteful and odious bile written by people who – I hope – are few in number, usually hiding behind aliases in cowardly fashion.

Let us stoutly maintain freedom of speech, but dare I ask is there a civilised limit? Would the newspapers pay the trolls to write this stuff? – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.