Youth suicide accounts for one in three deaths

Suicide accounts for almost a third of all deaths in the 15-24 age group in Ireland, according to a new report.

Suicide accounts for almost a third of all deaths in the 15-24 age group in Ireland, according to a new report.

The 30 per cent figure was highlighted at a conference on youth suicide prevention in Belfast, attended by health officials from Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The report - "Youth suicide prevention; an evidence briefing" - was launched by Dr Henrietta Campbell, the chief medical officer for Northern Ireland.

It makes a series of recommendations on how the two governments should act to prevent youth suicide.


Dr Philip Crowley, one of the report's authors, said more people in the 15-24 age group were taking their own lives than were killed in road accidents.

The situation was worst in the Republic, he said, though suicide rates were growing on both sides of the border.

In the Republic, there were 12 suicides in the age group per 100,000 of population in 1991, but it had risen to 17.5 by 2001. In Northern Ireland, the rate rose from 10.5 to 14.2 over the period.

Dr Crowley said: "Unemployment and suicide are linked, especially in young men, and rates of suicidal behaviour are higher among manual occupation groups.

"Social measures need to prevent suicide by addressing the broader socio-economic and environmental determinants of health."

Youth Suicide Prevention has identified key risk factors that need attention when developing future youth suicide prevention programmes:

a previous history of suicide.

a history of depression.

substance misuse.

poor family circumstances.

certain personality traits, such as poor problem-solving ability, impulsiveness and aggression.

the availability and means to commit suicide.

Dr Jane Wilde, director of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland, said suicide was an important public health issue, causing real concern in the community.

The report was a contribution to their knowledge and it was hoped it would help those working in the area, she said. - (PA)