Witness fails to appear in GAA case

A GAA footballer's High Court action for damages against a member of an opposing team was adjourned yesterday after a witness…

A GAA footballer's High Court action for damages against a member of an opposing team was adjourned yesterday after a witness for the footballer failed to turn up to give evidence.

Mr Sean Connaughton (26), of Glenties, Co Donegal, player-secretary of the Robert Emmet's club in Castlefin, is suing Mr John Fer ry, a garda, of Rosheen, Dunfan aghy, Donegal. He claims that on April 8th, 1989, Mr Ferry struck him on the side of the face during a match between Robert Emmet's and St Michael's, Dunfanaghy. He claims he received a broken jaw. Mr Ferry is denying the claims.

The hearing was due to resume yesterday, but Mr Conor Maguire SC, for Mr Connaughton, told the court that Mr Brian Lafferty, of Corcullen, Castlefin, and trainer of the Robert Emmet's team, had not turned up although he had indicated he would attend.

Mr Connaughton's solicitor had decided to serve a subpoena. The summons-server spoke to Mr Lafferty by telephone and he had indicated he would not be coming.


Mr Bruce Antoniotti SC, for Mr Ferry, said the matter had been hanging over his client's head for the greater part of his adult life. His side had 15 to 20 witnesses who had travelled from Donegal. Ms Justice Laffoy said she would adjourn on condition that Mr Connaughton paid the witnesses' expenses for the day.