What to look out for when renting a home

No matter what kind of accommodation you choose, there are certain rules you should follow before deciding on a place to live…

No matter what kind of accommodation you choose, there are certain rules you should follow before deciding on a place to live:

Rule 1: always view your accommodation. No matter what kind you choose, know what you're getting. This goes for both rental and college accommodation. Look out for obvious problems.

"If a landlord is prepared to show you a dirty house, things aren't going to get any better," says Maura O'Neill of UCC.

Rule 2: book early. While there is a lot of student accommodation nowadays, it varies in standard and proximity to the college.


You will lose a booking fee if you don't get your chosen college when the CAO offers come out, but you have a better chance of getting what you want if you put a deposit down as soon as possible.

Rule 3: Take your time. While there is still a scramble for accommodation, there is certainly enough to go around. Make sure everything is in order before you agree to anything. Whether you are looking for accommodation inside or outside the college, make sure it is warm, clean and dry.

Rule 4: gas heating, double glazing, a big fridge and freezer and sufficient bathrooms for the number of people that are going to be living there are just the beginning.

If a landlord promises repairs, make sure they are done before you move in. Otherwise, get the fact that he or she intends to do the repairs by a certain date in writing.

"Every year, I have students coming in to me with problems," says NUIG's Agnes O'Farrell.

"You have to be so careful even if you don't sign anything a verbal agreement still counts legally."

She advises students to minimise these problems by keeping a rent book and getting all agreements in writing.

If you want more information about your rights as a tenant, have a look at the Private Residential Tenancies Board for details. The web address is prtb.ie