Voices from the Web

This is a sample of views sent to ireland.com's online forum on the Nice Treaty referendum

This is a sample of views sent to ireland.com's online forum on the Nice Treaty referendum. The current poll result indicates 55 per cent voting in favour and 45 per cent voting against the referendum.

Where were all the people who are complaining about the second Nice referendum after the second divorce referendum? There is nothing undemocratic about a second referendum.

If it is the will of the people they will vote No again. If they vote Yes that will also be the will of the people and perfectly democratic.

Frank McCann, Ireland


I'm voting No because the pro-Treaty side have failed to give me a valid reason for a second referendum. Their disrespect for the electorate worries me.

Article 133 is another concern. Twenty years from now will we have a healthcare system similar to the United States? I hope not.

Chris Gallagher, Ireland

Ireland will be blamed because we have a vote. I am convinced we will be blamed less if we reject this admittedly flawed Treaty.

John Clarkin, Ireland

I do not want to speak on behalf of other candidate countries but the Czech Republic can offer EU educated, vital, hard-working people and fresh ideas.

This is very important for the future of Europe.

Before the second World War we were one of most prosperous countries in Europe. The war and communism turned us into outsiders. Now it is in your hands, friends.

George, Czech Republic

Perhaps in the EU, only Irish citizens can put a bit of sense into this agreement. What benefits can these new countries give us? Why don't the EU politicians tell us the truth? The rest of EU citizens don't have this opportunity, please protect us and vote No.

José Manuel, Spain

Nice is not the gateway to a federal superstate. Do you think that the applicants want to be part of a federal superstate after years of being behind the Iron Curtain? Michael McDowell said recently that he thought the inclusion of eastern Europe would push the EU further away from federalism, if anything.

Stringer, Netherlands

Viewed from over here in France, where there was no referendum or public debate on Nice, it seems that a whole lot of work needs to be completed on harmonising taxes, employment and social legislation, infrastructures etc. before enlargement is considered.

The foundations for enlargement are not yet solid enough and will be the source of major problems and strife in the future if the Yes vote carries it.

Ciarán Mac Cana, France

I hope that the Irish people will vote No to the Nice Treaty, because we have not the possibility to vote on that question.

Please note that the EU has no division of power and no constitutional state. Why did the Irish have to decide twice? They have decided.

Emanuel Remper, Germany

Air your views on the forthcoming referendum on ireland.com's Nice 2002 website at: www.ireland.com/focus/nice

The views expressed in the poll and above reflect only the views of ireland.com readers who have chosen to take part.