US official accused of doctoring papers quits

US: A former oil industry lobbyist accused of doctoring official US policy papers on global warming to play down the link between…

US: A former oil industry lobbyist accused of doctoring official US policy papers on global warming to play down the link between greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, has resigned.

Philip Cooney, who was chief of staff of the White House council on environmental quality, quit his job two days after a report released by a watchdog group, the government accountability project, showed he had deleted paragraphs and edited others drafted by government scientists.

The White House said his departure was "completely unrelated" to last week's disclosure. "Mr Cooney has long been considering his options following four years of service to the administration," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. "He'd accumulated many weeks of leave and decided to resign and take the summer off to spend time with his family." Mr Cooney, a lawyer with no background in science, previously worked for the American Petroleum Institute which lobbies for oil firms.

The government accountability project, which was unavailable for comment yesterday, revealed last week that Mr Cooney had changed the documents in a way that would be more beneficial to the oil industry. In a section that gauged how sound the evidence was for climate change, he inserted "significant and fundamental" before the word "uncertainties".


In another sentence which claimed: "The attribution of the causes of biological and ecological changes to climate change or variability is difficult," he included the word "extremely" before "difficult". The White House insisted the changes did not violate an administration pledge to rely on sound science and defended them as part of the normal review process.

But environmentalists say Mr Cooney's work is yet more proof that US policies favour the oil industry. In his first few months in office, president Bush rejected the Kyoto protocol on climate change and at Tuesday's White House meeting with Tony Blair, the president underlined the importance of further research.

"I don't know if you're aware of this, but we lead the world when it comes to millions of dollars spent on research about climate change," he said.