US GDP grows at fastest rate in 4 years

The US economy grew at its fastest rate in four years during the third quarter, the government confirmed today.

The US economy grew at its fastest rate in four years during the third quarter, the government confirmed today.

The Commerce Department said GDP expanded at a 4.9 per cent annual rate in the third quarter, the same as it estimated a month ago and the strongest since the third quarter of 2003.

But a surge in new claims for jobless benefits showed the labour market is softening. A separate report from the Labor Department showed claims rose by 12,000 last week to 346,000.

The four-week moving average of claims - seen as a more reliable barometer of labour market conditions - hit its highest in more than two years.


Faster exports and increased inventory-building accounted for the pickup in third-quarter growth from the second quarter's 3.8 per cent pace, but many economists say the drag from a weak housing sector and credit market turmoil will slow fourth-quarter expansion to 1 per cent or less.