Unkindest Cut, by Joe Queenan (Picador, £6.99 in UK)

Robert Rodriguez has a lot to answer for

Robert Rodriguez has a lot to answer for. He's the guy who made the film El Mariachi for $7,000 inspiring an entire generation of smart ass lunatics, it seems, to follow suit. Joe Queenan set out to make his super low budget indie maverick film for two dollars less than Rodriguez (he should have called it For a Few Dollars Less, but chose the considerably less inspired Twelve Steps To Death instead) and this book relates how, with no equipment and no experience, but a credit card strong enough to withstand all onslaughts and a streetful of neighbours who were willing to play at being movie stars, he went about it. It's amusing enough, I suppose, in a relentless sort of way.

Arminta Wallace

Arminta Wallace

Arminta Wallace is a former Irish Times journalist