Ulster Unionist Party member defects to Tories

Another Ulster Unionist has defected to the Conservatives, it emerged tonight.

Another Ulster Unionist has defected to the Conservatives, it emerged tonight.

Philip Smith, a former Ards councillor, quit the UUP in a bid to become involved in national politics.

His resignation follows Peter Bowles decision to leave the party in protest at its alliance at the Stormont Assembly with the Ulster Volunteer Force-linked Progressive Unionists (PUP).

The ex-mayor of Castlereagh Council and former UK Unionist representative Grant Dillon has also joined the Conservatives in Northern Ireland, along with businessman Tim Lewis.


The party claimed the coup for its membership showed it was only true mainstream political force operating in Northern Ireland politics.

Mr Smith, a UUP member since 1997, claimed others wanted to follow his decision.

He said: "I want the opportunity to vote for the next government, the next Prime Minister.

"The Conservative Party, under David Cameron, has invited people from Northern Ireland to join and play their part in building our country's future. "I am confident that I am joining many people in Northern Ireland who want to accept that invitation."

His switch comes after Mr Bowles, a Down District Councillor and former Young Unionist chairman, left in protest, saying he did not want to be a member of a party with paramilitary connections.

The UUP's only MP, Lady Sylvia Hermon, has also claimed the deal with the PUP cannot continue because of ongoing UVF violence.

The outlawed paramilitary organisation has been blamed for the assassination attempt on one of its former commanders, Mark Haddock, two weeks ago.