Tony Blair reported on verge of conversion

BRITAIN: Tony Blair will convert to Catholicism within weeks when he is received into the church by the Archbishop of Westminster…

BRITAIN:Tony Blair will convert to Catholicism within weeks when he is received into the church by the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, according to Catholic magazine the Tablet.

There has been speculation for months that the former prime minister would be received into the church following his resignation from office. A report by the magazine's editor, Catherine Pepinster, says the ceremony will take place during a private Mass in the cardinal's official residence behind Westminster Cathedral in Victoria, London.

Mr Blair, now a Middle East peace envoy, was baptised as an Anglican but has been known to be interested in Catholicism for many years. He refrained from conversion earlier because of constitutional sensitivities. Mr Blair's wife Cherie and their four children are Catholic and he accompanied them to Sunday Mass while in office.