TD's Dáil printing bill came to €7,100

Posters and leaflets calling on people to protest were among material printed by the Oireachtas printing facility on behalf of…

Posters and leaflets calling on people to protest were among material printed by the Oireachtas printing facility on behalf of Richard Boyd Barrett since his election to the Dáil last year.

The People Before Profit TD ran up printing costs of just over €7,100 in the publicly funded Oireachtas printing facility since last March.

Among the materials printed by the Dún Laoghaire TD were posters advertising a European Day of Action held on October 15th last year, which includes the words “to exit from economic disaster hit the streets”.

Mr Boyd Barrett said the leaflets, posters and newsletters promoted the campaigns and issues in which his party was involved. “We think that’s precisely what the resources of the Dáil should be used, for which is to campaign on the issues which affect people in this country and which are of concern to the people who elected us.


“We’re very proud that we have use of these resources . . . to inform people of matters of local and national importance. There is very visible evidence of our work rate and use of our resources to inform the public of what we’re doing in the Dáil.”

Mr Boyd Barrett said he gave up a part of his TD’s salary over the average industrial wage and had spent thousands of euro of his own money on campaigns and protests against the household charge, bank bailout and troika visits.

Asked why one poster read “Printed by Richard Boyd Barrett” when the work was done by the Oireachtas printing facility, he said it was a requirement imposed by the facility, something the office later confirmed.

An Oireachtas spokeswoman said the print facility was for use by members in connection with their parliamentary duties.

“The use of the facility can be interpreted as encompassing all matters relating to the Houses and representation of constituents, communication with/to constituents on diverse matters such as local or general public interest issues, Government policies, legislation and in general keeping the public informed as to the work of their elected representatives,” she said.