Suspended term for attack on father who asked youths to be quiet

A MAN who attacked another man outside his home after he had been told to be quiet because the man’s baby was sleeping has been…

A MAN who attacked another man outside his home after he had been told to be quiet because the man’s baby was sleeping has been given a three-year suspended sentence.

David Rogers (21), an apprentice plumber, formerly of Ballygara Close, Garristown, was the eldest of a group drinking outside their local community centre when Marcin Kolarski approached them.

The group had thrown stones at his home, and he asked them to stop and to keep the noise down.

One of the youths “squared up” to Mr Kolarski and asked him “what are you going to do about it?” before Mr Kolarski was hit from behind with a bottle and knocked to the ground.


Sgt Donal Lucey told Colm O’Briain, prosecuting, that witnesses saw about six people kick and hit Mr Kolarski while he was on the ground. He was later treated for multiple cuts to his head and forehead.

Rogers was later identified as one of the culprits and admitted punching Mr Kolarski three or four times while he was standing, and hitting him nine or 10 times while he was on the ground.

He denied kicking the victim or hitting him with a bottle. Another teenager took responsibility for this.

Rogers pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to assault causing harm to Mr Kolarski at Main Street, Garristown, on July 20th, 2007. The rest of the group, still teenagers, were dealt with under the juvenile liaison scheme.

Judge Frank O’Donnell described the group as “thugs” who acted like a “herd of animals”.