Sexual titillation 'not in lap dance business plan'

LAP DANCING club owners in the UK yesterday tried to fight off an expected clampdown on their burgeoning industry by telling …

LAP DANCING club owners in the UK yesterday tried to fight off an expected clampdown on their burgeoning industry by telling British MPs that sexual stimulation was "contrary to our business plan".

The claim was greeted with scepticism by MPs considering classifying the clubs as "sexual encounter establishments".

"On that basis you would have a lot of dissatisfied customers," said a Conservative MP.

Simon Warr, chairman of the Lap Dancing Association, wants the clubs to remain classified as part of the entertainment industry for licensing purposes. "One of the biggest problems we face is that not enough people understand the business blueprint of our clubs," he said. "Actually, our premises are not sexually stimulating."


Under questioning he admitted: "All right, the entertainment may be in the form of nude or semi-nude performers, but it's not sexually stimulating."