Road map architect criticises Israeli use of force

One of the architects of the US-backed "road map" to Middle East peace said today Israel was undermining the plan with its use…

One of the architects of the US-backed "road map" to Middle East peace said today Israel was undermining the plan with its use of force against the Palestinians.

"We respect their right to...fight terrorists, but we criticise them when they do too much damage," said Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller, who helped draw up the road map on behalf of the EU in 2002 with the United States, Russia and the United Nations.

Israel views the demolition of family homes of Palestinian suicide bombers or houses under which arms smuggling tunnels have been found as essential security measures against a three-year-old Palestinian revolt.

"When they demolish houses, there are too many civilians, too many families who lose their homes...That will make the peace process more difficult," Moeller told a press conference in Amman after meeting his Jordanian counterpart Marwan Muasher.


Moeller also criticised the barrier Israel is building as a security precaution against Palestinian suicide bombers, which encroaches on the West Bank, territory it occupied in 1967.

"They can build the fence at the '67 border, and not on the other side," he said.