Prisoner escorted back to NI jail

The convicted republican dissident who absconded while on compassionate leave from prison to attend his grandson's funeral in…

The convicted republican dissident who absconded while on compassionate leave from prison to attend his grandson's funeral in Derry on Monday morning was yesterday evening on his way back to Maghaberry Prison, near Lisburn, accompanied by a priest.

Ciarán McLaughlin is serving an 18-year jail term imposed last November. He was convicted of firearms offences following a weapons find at his home in Derry's Galliagh Estate.

He had been granted 12 hours' compassionate leave to attend the funeral of his two-year-old grandson.

McLaughlin, who was described as a "dedicated terrorist" during his trial, had previously abided by parole conditions when he twice visited his grandson in Derry's Altnagelvin Hospital.


SDLP and Sinn Féin councillors in Derry, as well as senior members of the Catholic hierarchy, had supported calls for the Secretary of State, Dr John Reid, to allow McLaughlin additional compassionate leave.

Yesterday, the prisoner turned himself in at the office of the Catholic Bishop of Derry, Dr Seamus Hegarty. In a statement, Bishop Hegarty's office said that, following contacts between his office and the Northern Ireland Prison Service, McLaughlin had agreed to return to jail.