Policing Board meets today to end stand-off on Omagh investigation

The North's Policing Board meets today to finalise a compromise package which will advance the Omagh bombing inquiry and help…

The North's Policing Board meets today to finalise a compromise package which will advance the Omagh bombing inquiry and help end the stand-off between the Police Ombudsman and the Chief Constable.

A working group of four board members spent yesterday working on a formula with officials which falls short of demanding resignations and which is centred on proposals which will enhance confidence in the bombing investigation. The four are Mr Alex Attwood (SDLP), Mr Sammy Wilson (DUP), Mr James Leslie (UUP), and an independent member, Mr Barry Gilligan.

It is understood emphasis is being put on the six recommendations included in Ms Nuala O'Loan's report which were designed to bolster the investigation. The first of these is the replacement of Det Supt Brian McArthur as senior investigating officer.

Sir Ronnie has rejected this outright and was accompanied to Tuesday's marathon board hearing with his colleague, a move interpreted to mean he was not in a mood for changing his mind.


However the Chief Constable has called in a senior officer from Merseyside who is to advise detectives and "quality-assure" the investigation.

Party political representatives on the 19-member board have divided along traditional lines with unionists, most notably Lord Kilcooney (the former Mr John Taylor), demanding Mrs O'Loan's resignation. The SDLP leader, Mr Mark Durkan, has insisted that Ms O'Loan's recommendations be implemented.

Sinn Féin says the problem highlights the board's lack of power.

Both Ms O'Loan and Sir Ronnie, who met the board on Tuesday, have produced reports on the investigation which are seriously at odds. Ms O'Loan said the investigation was seriously flawed while Sir Ronnie said the Ombudsman's findings were riddled with inaccuracies, misunderstandings and omissions.