Police questioning terror plot suspects

Detectives today began questioning nine men arrested in connection with a so-called alleged kidnap terror plot in Birmingham - …

Detectives today began questioning nine men arrested in connection with a so-called alleged kidnap terror plot in Birmingham - two days after police swooped.

Eight of the suspects were picked up in a series of dawn raids on Wednesday, while the ninth was stopped on a motorway in the city several hours later.

Yesterday, West Midlands Police were given a further seven days to hold the men after applying for an extension at Coventry Magistrates' Court.

Assistant Chief Constable David Shaw said a number of procedures had to be completed before formal interviews could take place. "Far better that we use a measured, calculated, meticulous response than rush into things," he told reporters.


Forensic specialists have been scouring 15 properties in Birmingham which were seized during Wednesday's operation. A further three search warrants were executed today.

Mr Shaw said six searches had been completed and a "significant quantity" of exhibits have been gathered. "I don't want you to read anything into that, you can imagine the sort of things that we will recover as part of the searches," he said.

"Our priority now is to examine what is actually contained in those exhibits."

The nine suspects, British men of Pakistani descent, have been detained on suspicion of the commission, instigation or preparation of acts of terrorism. Mr Shaw said they will remain in custody at Chase Avenue police station in Coventry.

Police can now detain terror suspects for 28 days without charge. However, during that time they have to apply for a series of extensions - each time appearing before a judge to outline the evidence and questions they want to put to the men.

The alleged plot involved the abduction and beheading of a British Muslim soldier, according to sources. It has been suggested there could have been more than one potential target for the kidnapping.

The Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit leading the investigation - code-named Operation Gamble - has so far refused to disclose any details about the inquiry.

Mr Shaw also refused to be drawn: "I have not provided any details of the allegations these men are facing, nor will I do so."